St. Michael Academy
Orthodox Bible College


Comparative Religion /Philosophy  Course BC312

Students examine various heterodox entities in light of Orthodox Christian teaching.

Searching the Scripture/Bible Study: Course BC353

Students search Scriptures for answers to questions from New Testament. Ministerial manual and documents for ceremonies are discussed.

History of the Church/Apostolic Perspective Course BC302

A detailed overview of the History of the Church

Orthodoxy in Prophecy Course BC 406

Is the Orthodox Church mentioned in Biblical Prophecy? Find Out

Modern Day Prophetics II Course BC476

Reviews radio programs of a modern day prophet.

Language Perimeter-Hebrew and Greek Course BC423

Learning basic Hebrew and Greek will provide a better understanding of Holy Scripture and its true interpretation.

History, Faith, and Life Course BC477

Outlines, integrates, categorizes and applies teachings of the early Church Fathers in the quest to search for truth in Orthodoxy.

Gospels/Bible Studies: Course BC401

Provides a detailed comparison of Gospel Accounts. Excellent study of the parables, and Paschal events.

Healing and Deliverance course BC 403

Teaching principles for reconciliation and restoration.

Priesthood Studies Course BC422

Overview of rubrics to conduct the Holy Divine Liturgy and seven sacraments.

Thesis 801